- Market Defining Mattresses
- Perfectly Balanced Flex Cubicles
- Superlative Service
- Guaranteed Performance
- Full Unit Design & Kit Out
A full range of cubicles available.
Our Hybrid-Flex Cubicles are FETF Eligible

International Mayo Cow Mattress Supplies

Improve cow comfort and welfare in your cubicle housing with the Mayo Mattress and our full portfolio of products.
With 30+ years experience we have studied the behaviour of the cow in the cubicle bed on our own family dairy farm and across hundreds of other farms.
We offer a no obligation site assessment or advice on your project to ensure you have the best possible set up for your cows. Reduce incidents of lameness, mastitis and other issues with Mayo advice and guidance from the onset of your project.
Contact a Mayo expert today for advice on your project
We have over 30 years of experience, research and development to offer you in designing your new unit or updating your existing unit.
- Mayo Mattress System
- Super Space Cubicles
- Guillotine Gates
- Drinkers
- Feed Barriers
- Mayo Mattress System
- Hybrid Flex Cubicles
- Slat Matting
- Drinkers
- Mayo Mattress System